Versions Compared


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Order To Cash - Purchase

Requisition Worksheet - Disable Planning Flexibility for Replenishment System Purchase

This function gives more control over purchase orders, because existing purchase orders are not longer being adjusted when new purchase demand is being populated in the Requisition Worksheets. 

Behavior with this function activated

When using the default BC "calculate plan" button at page Req. Worksheet (291, Worksheet)., all lines that are being Populated AND have Replenishment System = Purchase , have Planning Flexibility parameter always set to “None”. This function bypasses BC's Planning Flexibility logic. 

Activate to disable Business Central's default behaviour to apply Planning Flexibility
Activate to disable Business Central's default behaviour to apply Planning Flexibility

Requisition Worksheet - Advanced Purchase Requisition for replenishment system Purchase (EN)

This function helps you to purchase as optimally as possible so that you can meet the demand as optimally as possible with the lowest possible number of obligations, You have the option to exclude demand from “Open” (not yet authorized) orders. Columns are added to the Requisition Worksheet which help you to understand and manage the plan that's caculated. 

Behavior with this function activated

Depending in the settings that are activated, the following changes are made at BC's page “Requisition worksheets” in comparison to default BC:

  1. Buttons to calculate plan are replaced by custom functions

  2. If configured at the setup page, "need" from certain source/state combinations is not included in the requisition lines that are populated.

  3. There is a function which copies the Sales Orders field "External document No" to the "Your reference" field (for Sales orders “Special order” and Sales orders “Drop Shipment”

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Activate Advanced Purchase Requisition

Requisition Worksheet - Use Vendor calendar to calculate Expected Receipt dates (EN)

This function alters the behaviour for Purchase Order Lines which are created using BC's Requisition Worksheet functionality. For Purchase Order Lines which are manually created, the Expected Receipt date (for Purchase Order Lines) is already calculated taken into account the Vendor specific calendar. However, BC does not take into account the Vendor specific calendar when a Purchase Order Line is created using the Requisition Worksheet functionality 

Once enabled, the Expected Receipt Date (for Purchase Order Lines) will be calculated taking into account the Vendor's calendar, if a supplier specific calendar is entered at the Vendor card.  This will result in more reliable and realistic Expected Receipt Dates on your Purchase Order lines and will help you feed back better data to your colleagues.

Behavior with this function activated

  1. For a purchase order line in BC, BC calculates an "Expected Receipt date". The Lead Time of the article card is used for this (e.g. 6D).

  2. BC adds the Lead Time to the work date, and enters the calculated date as "Expected Receipt date" on the Purchase Order line. However, the Lead Time of an item may vary depending on a supplier's calendar (holiday closure, public holidays). By marking days as "non-working days" in the Base Calendar linked to the supplier, a better "Expected Receipt Date" is calculated.

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Activate to start using the Vendor specific Calendar to calculate Expected Receipt date

Order To Cash - Inkoop



Order To Cash - Sales (EN)

Sales - Auto Update Sales Lines with linked Purchase Line reservations (EN)

Activate Auto Update Purchase Line reservations

This function helps you manage your reservations more easily and without needing to recreate reservations manually. 

The default BC behaviour regarding “respecting” existing reservations is as follows:

  • When items are purchased (due to demand from Sales orders and/or Service orders), this results in a purchase order line. Manual reservation (from sales to purchase or v.v.) creates a link between purchase and sales. Manual reservation is time-intensive.

  • When the "Expected Receipt date" on the Purchase Order line (on which the reservation has been made) is updated to a date after the Planned Shipment Date of the Sales Order Line, an error message regarding date conflict follows. You then have to delete the reservation, adjust dates on sales, and then make a new reservation. This is very time consuming.

Conditions / preparations before start using this functionality

  1. Base Calendar Code must be configured

    1. Make sure a Base Calendar Code is configured at the page [Company Information]

    2. Configure the Base Calendar and make sure your company's non-working days are configured properly. As these are taken into account whilst calculating the new dates to be entered in the date fields at the target lines from the Reservation Entries. 

Behaviour with these functions activated

If a Purchase order line is (partially) reserved: Reservations are kept intact when you update the Planned Receipt date and / or Expected Receipt date at a Purchase order Line. All target lines from all Reservation Entries are updated according to the settings as configured at this [Wholesale 365 Setup] page. 


  1. Activate the primary “Auto Update” options for each Document Line type you want to use this functionality: “regular” Sales Lines, Drop Shipment Sales Lines, Special Sales Lines and/or Service Lines

  2. Activate if you want the “Auto Update” option to trigger on Open Sales orders and/or Open Service Orders

  3. Determine the Leadtime to be used for each of the activated Document Line types. 

    1. Leadtime should be entered as “3D” (for 3 days) or “1W” (for 1 week) examples

    2. Leadtime is added to the date that's being keyed in, at the Purchase Line, whilst respecting the Base Calendar from [Company Information] You can use this Leadtime to add the internal inbound and outbound time your organization needs. 

  4. Determine which dates in the target Document Lines you want to be updated automatically when the Purchase Order Line is updated

  5. Determine for each of those dates if you want those dates to be manipulated Forward (further in the future) and/or Backward (closer to the present). 

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Configuration of the Auto Update functionality at the BC "Wholesale 365 Setup" page.

Sales - Advanced AutoReserve (EN)

Activate Advanced AutoReserve

This function helps you balancing supply and demand, by creating reservations automatically for you. Reservations help to link Demand (Sales / Service) and Supply (Stock and Purchase).  With Reservations you allocate "Free supply" to a certain Demand. This helps your organization to keep track of the part of the supply that's allocated and the part that's free available.  

The default BC behaviour regarding creation of reservations is as follows:

  • Reservations have to be populated manually, which is time consuming. 

  • In addition, sales lines and service lines that are not yet fully reserved must be manually checked periodically and an attempt must be made to reserve them. For example, because availability has arisen between the moment of creating the sales lines / services lines and the current moment. Allocating that availability is therefore a continuous manual action. 

Conditions / preparations before start using this functionality

  1. Determine for which type of demand you want reservations to be created automatically: for each of the following types you can activate the setting separately: 

    1. Sales Order Lines

    2. Sales Order Lines - Special Order

    3. Service Item Lines

  2. Determine if you want reservations to be created for documents with status “Open” as well. This is not always desirable, for example if your organization considers Open orders as not yet approved or not yet received as an order from the customer. In that case it is undesirable that reservations are made on Open orders, because these would then allocate freely available supply.

Behaviour with these functions activated

AutoReserve function is an automated version of the default BC Reservation functionality, with the following altered behaviour:

  • For regular Sales Orders and Service Orders: 

    • Always executes the AutoReserve action from page Reservation (498, Worksheet)

  • For Sales Orders - Special Orders: 

    • AutoReserve via Purchase Order for all applicable lines: (Because: Special order Lines can't be reserved via the Sales order Line)

      • Lookup Purchase order via Purchase Line (39) (fields Special Order Sales No. - 5714 and Special Order Sales Line No. - 5715)

      • And execute the Purchase Order Line function "Functions" --> "Reserve", to create the reservation


  1. Open the page [Wholesale 365 Setup] and look for the “Automated Reservations” header

  2. Activate each of the following options as wished by your organization:

    1. Auto Reserve Sales Order Lines: once activated, this executes BC's AutoReserve action when entering a Quantity at line level

    2. Auto Reserve Sales Order Lines (Special Order): once activated, this executes BC's AutoReserve action using codeunit 11295064 that's should be scheduled in a Job Queue. This codeunit creates Reservation Entries via the Special Purchase Order Line that's linked to the Special Sales Order Line.

    3. Auto Reserve Service Item Lines: once activated, this executes BC's AutoReserve action when entering a Quantity at line level

  3. (optionally) Enter “Auto Reserve Sales Period” / “Auto Reserve Service Period” parameter

    Use this when it is not always desirable to reserve automatically. Example: when you don't want to Auto reserve for orders that have to be delivered far into the future. Then you hijack free stock too early, and you might not be able to fullfill orders that are received at a later date from your customers, but are requested to be delivered earlier.

    1. Entering a parameter enables the following behaviour: Autoreserve is only executed when:

      1. the "Requested Delivery date" of the Sales line lies within the bandwith from the entered parameter value.   

      2. the "Planned Delivery date" of the Service line lies within the bandwith from the entered parameter value. 

  4. Activate (part of) the “Auto Reserve Open Orders” functionalities if needed

  5. Activate (part of) the “Auto Reserve Sales Order on Release” if needed

    1. Activating this feature, will trigger AutoReserve on releasing the Sales order and/or Service order. 

    2. This can be helpfull when your organization uses the release of an order as a sign that a reservation may be made. Usually you will not use this function in combination with the “Autoreserve on open orders” feature.  When you activate this feature, you do not have to wait for the Job Queue to run for AutoReserve, but an immediate reservation will be attempted on that specific order.


  1. Auto Reserve respects the "Reserve" setting at line level: meaning that the Value (Never/Optional/Always) is taken into account when trying to AutoReserve Saleslines and/or Servicelines.

  2. Auto Reserve respects the “Auto Reserve Sales Period” / “Auto Reserve Service Period” parameter, which can be entered at the Wholesale 365 Setup page as well. 

  3. When “Auto Reserve Open Orders” is activated, the function ”Auto Reserve Orders on Release" cannot be activated. Because creating reservations upon release won't make sense, as reservations for Open Orders are already being created.

  4. When ”Auto Reserve Orders on Release" is activated, the function “Auto Reserve Open Orders” cannot be activated. Because the Release proces should be the trigger to create reservations for the orderlines. 

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Configuration of the Auto Reservation functionality at the BC "Wholesale 365 Setup" page.
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Configuration of the AutoReserve CodeUnit 11295064

Sales - Status indicator (Sales lines, Service Lines, Transfer order lines, Assembly order lines, Production order lines) (EN)

Activate Status Indicator

This function to gives you instant insight in the "Status" of Sales/Service/Transfer order lines as quickly as possible by adding an icon to each line. This helps you to focus on lines that need attention and what I need to work on to arrange things for them (e.g. purchasing them / warehouse actities, etc.)

Behaviour with these functions activated

When activated, a status column is added to the Sales and/or Service and/or Transfer order lines. 


  1. Activate the primary “Show status in …." options as desired

  2. If desired, use the “Import Icons” option to import custom Icons for each status to meet your organizations needs. 

Functional explanation

Please check this page for a more detailed explanation: Wholesale365 Status Indicator

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Activate Status Indicator at Sales and/or Service and/or Transfer order lines, Assembly order lines and/or Production order lines

Sales - Create Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse Picks automatically (EN)

Activate Auto Create Warehouse Shipments and/or Warehouse Picks

This function ensures that you no longer have to monitor the released Sales Orders yourself and check your orders for deliverability. And you have to create Warehouse Shipments yourself for those Sales Orders that are (partly) available. Once activated, Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse picks will be created automatically for your Sales Orders, taking into account the parameters as entered at the Wholesale 365 Setup page. This feature helps to provide customers with the goods they have ordered as quickly and optimally as possible, because this feature will help to maximize the number of shipments and provide customers with the goods requested as soon as possible and therefore maximize turnover. 

The default BC behaviour regarding creation of Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse Picks is as follows:

  • Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse Picks have to be populated manually, which is time consuming.

  • Warehouse Shipments can be created manually while the choice the user makes is not always logical, sometimes it is better to ship other Sales Orders first. 

Conditions / preparations before start using this functionality

  1. Advanced warehouse configuration in BC must be set up to use this functionality.

  2. Determine the number of days in advance when you want the Warehouse Shipment to be created (example: 3D). Once the Sales Header, Requested Delivery Date will be within 3 days from the Working Date, the Warehouse Shipment will be created

  3. Determine if you want Warehouse Shipments to be created for Sakes Orders / Shipping advice combinations:

    1. Shipping Advice Partial:  Will result in partial Warehouse Shipments as well, and thus increase in number of Warehouse Shipments

    2. Shipping Advice Complete: Will result in only complete Warehouse Shipments as well, for the entire Sales Order

    3. Both:  For Shipping Advice Partial and Complete

Behaviour with these functions activated

Warehouse Shipments and / or Warehouse Picks are automatically created. This happens periodically by executing a scheduled Job Queue. 


  1. Advanced warehouse configuration in BC must be set up to use this functionality.


  1. Open the page [Wholesale 365 Setup] and look for the “Sales Orders:  Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse Picks” header

  2. Activate each of the options in this chapter as wished by your organization:

  3. Make sure to schedule Job Queues 11295068 BBS_AutoWarehouseShipment and BBS_AutoWarehouseShipment11295069 BBS_AutoWarehousePicks

    1. By default, those will be scheduled once every day (= once every 1320 minutes) 

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Activate Auto Create Warehouse Shipments and/or Warehouse Picks
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Schedule Job Queues 11295068 BBS_AutoWarehouseShipment and BBS_AutoWarehouseShipment11295069 BBS_AutoWarehousePicks